Cake the basic one with self-raising flour

200 gr butter

200 gr sugar

200 gr self-raising flour

4 eggs

The butter and the eggs must be on room temp, so when you are planning to make one cake prepare that in advance. It can be done to drop every ingredient at ones in the batter bowl and then mix hardly with the mixer, but you get better results when you mix the butter and the sugar first, so do not be stubborn and do this. Then add half of the flour, then one by one the eggs, and the rest of the flour.


Preheat the oven on 150 degrees , grease the mold very good and scatter some breadcrumb in it.

After 1 hour on 150 the cake is done. Leave the cake a half hour in the mold to cool and put it then on a tray or plate.

There are ways to test if the cake is done, some people use a’ needle or a sathe stick to test ( when you push it in the middle of the cake and you can get it out again dry it’s done  ) but the best is not to touch it, because the cake of this weight is done after 1 hour.

Change the recipe?

Don’t do too much, you can replace an egg by a shot of milk, or you can replace the self-raising flour with some normal flour and a 6 gr of baking powder.

Add something

  • It is becoming a little sweet but a little vanilla sugar can do
  • Cut an apple in pieces, mix a knife end of cinnamon and a little powder sugar mix this in the cake. Be aware that the apple must stay dry.
  • To give it a marble effect you can mix 25 gr of cacao with 40 gr sugar, and mix this in half of the amount of the batter, and build up then layer to layer the cake.

For cupcakes.

You can use the same batter, fill up the paper cups 2/3rd with the batter and bake 25  min in oven.

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